We've been hacked,
and now ?
It is common to find hacked websites today, especially if we have not carried out prevention tasks or a zeroday has not appeared in a component and we have been unlucky enough to be among the first.
There is a process by which a WordPress website can be completely disinfected, guaranteeing that it is clean and being able to start prevention tasks from there so that it never happens again.
It consists of replacing ALL WP files, manually reviewing those that cannot be, and “manually” reviewing the WordPress database in search of the malware in question with software.
Signos de web
Tus Emails empiezan a rebotar
Por tanto, a partir de ahora, cuando mandes tus propios emails, al figurar en esa lista negra, tus mensajes se irán a las bandejas de spam de tus destinatarios.
Se añade contenido inadecuado a tu web
Así que es sumamente sencillo que añaden contenido o «cosas raras» a tu web.
El impacto de esto puede ser devastador. Por ejemplo:
Tu sitio se puede ver invadido por código invisible añadido. Este código es visible a rastreadores como el de Google, e invisible al ojo humano. Y este código puede ralentizar tu sitio, y provocar que sea añadido a listas negras.
Sitios con links a webs inapropiados o contenido no adecuado en el pie de cada página.
O lo peor. Sitios que han sido completamente reemplazados con nuevo contenido (y que no suelen contener fotos de bellos paisajes….)
Tu sitio web se vuelve lento o falla mucho
Tu sitio web desaparece
At Wayik we have years of experience managing WordPress at the core level that allows us the success of 95% of the affected platforms that we work to recover. It is necessary to take into account that it is required:
cPanel / Hosting Access
For a root job it is necessary to have full access to the production environment where the affected site is located
Stock Files
It is important that to recover an infected site it is necessary that the files are on the server and have not been deleted
Domain Access
In some occasions it is necessary to modify DNS and other domain configuration parameters, for which access is necessary
We Organize Our
Production Process
- Analysis
- Design
- Testing
Wayik is the partner of choice for many of the world’s leading enterprises, SMEs and technology challengers. We help businesses elevate their value through custom software development, product design, QA and consultancy services. Our product design service lets you prototype, test and validate your ideas.
While integrating the security with the DevOps approach has always been of high demand, this requires a completely different range of processes and tools. DevOps is already known to boast of an agile development methodology. Now when the inputs of the security experts I’ll be brought in a collaborative environment, the project will have an array of effective security safeguards.
In spite of disturbing the agile development process of the DevOps approach, the additional security inputs only enhance the safeguards and reliability of the project. So, in a way, DevSecOps will only extend the benefits of a DevOps approach further with security inputs. DevOps is already known to boast of an agile development methodology.
Review and diagnosis of sites
We scan and clean your WordPress site of viruses, malware and threats that compromise your database and access. We provide you with all the necessary advice to keep it protected.
During the diagnosis and review of the site, the cause of the failure can be determined for its recovery or, otherwise, the following steps will be indicated.
Basic Plan
$ 5,000 MXN
Single payment- Revisión de sitio en 2 horas
- Diagnóstico y evaluación de daño
- Malware Removal SLA 30 hrs
- Limpieza de código
- Instalación de Wordfence
- Licencia de 1 año Wordfence
- Manual de medidas de seguridad que ayuden a blindar tu sitio web
Economy Plan
$ 10,000 MXN
Single payment- Revisión de sitio en 2 horas
- Diagnóstico y evaluación de daño
- Malware Removal SLA 15 hrs
- Limpieza de código
- Instalación de Wordfence
- Licencia de 1 año Wordfence
- Manual de medidas de seguridad que ayuden a blindar tu sitio web
Premium Plan
$ 15,000 MXN
Single payment- Revisión de sitio en 1 hora
- Diagnóstico y evaluación de daño
- Malware Removal SLA 8 hrs
- Limpieza de código
- Instalación de Wordfence
- Licencia de 1 año Wordfence
- Manual de medidas de seguridad que ayuden a blindar tu sitio web